Case Presentation Format
- Brief History (pertinent details only, not meant to be a busy slide. 6-8 lines as standard).
- Pertinent PE only (including pertinent negatives like no palpable pulsating abdominal masses , etc).
- Clinical impression (complete CV diagnosis).
- Labs especially those pertinent to the case (could be brief mention only unless additive to the discussion of diagnosis).
- Angiographic films in loop format (pick the good and visible shots), for other imaging modalities, just pick the brief pertinent images and not the whole run (e.g. IVUS, OCT).
- Plan and management strategy done to the case.
- Short discussion specific and pertinent about the case (including mainly recent trials and meta). Limit to 2 slides
- Please avoid didactic lectures or purely theoretical discussion. Focus on the case.
Note: Please limit your presentation to 15 mins or less to allow time for questions and discussion.
Unnecessary pictures not related to the case presentation are discouraged.
Since we are dealing with several devices coming from different manufacturers with their own advantages and disadvantages, as well as strengths and limitations, it will be more elucidative to put the names of the catheters, balloon, stents and other devices used in the procedure. Essentially, it is the presenter’s responsibility to know the reason, if there’s any, why a particular device was used in the procedure.